
Be the type of company where people search for who you are, not what you do.
client logos
quotation marks
Reaching the right people is easy today in marketing. It’s table stakes with technology today. (You can target anyone anywhere with ads on any channel; and every B2B company today has a blog, podcast, video, social, etc.) The hard part is knowing the right thing to SAY. Copywriting & storytelling are everything. You can then hire/pay anyone to reach the right people. Words are hard.
-Dave Gerhardt, CMO, Privvy

Your Buyer’s Aren’t Who They Used to Be

Most B2B marketers market for YESTERDAY. A world where whitepapers, me-too content, and “adding value” was enough. The world’s leading companies understand that our world has changed. What worked yesterday no longer works today.

The famous David Cancel said it best.

You can’t do what others are doing. You have to be unignorable.

Emotion > Logic

Most B2B companies try to educate. Leaders go a layer deeper. Here’s how the world has changed.

1. Your buyers are PEOPLE first. Business people second. Traditional B2B sells to these people.

Shiny happy people shaking hands
But this is what your real buyers look like.
happy people buyers
2. Buyers are INUNDATED with marketing.

Low-barriers to entry, liberal access to capital, and entrepreneur’s worshipped like rockstars means EVERY technology category is flooded with new entrants. This graphic shows the growth of MarTech over the last 8 years. All categories have seen similar saturation.

3. They buy with their heart first, and head second.

95% of purchasing decisions are subconscious. Emotion is what really drives purchasing behavior. The process is not logical. Leaders lead with stories that make people BELIEVE, on a deeper level, that the technology is right for them.

We Have Entered the Story-Driven Economy

“We are, as a species, addicted to story. Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories.” -Jonathan Gottscahll

Direct Response Era

Brand Era

Content Era

Story Era

Marketing used to be about persuasion. Then perception. Then education. We have evolved to the era of storytelling. Those who do it well will thrive. Those who fail will be ignored.

How Unignorable Brands Market

Old Way: Tactic-Driven
New Way: Story-Driven
People search for who you are rather than whate you do. Demonstrate a clear promise for transformation across tactics, driving higher quality leads, less price resistance, and more memorability.

Sameness Puts Your Brand at Risk

“In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.” -Seth Godin

In the old world, relying on tactics—SEO, content, digital—was enough. Today, those tactics are inundated. Yes, they still work. But they are most effective when you have a story to tell—one that makes you the only one like you, instead of another one of those.

Elements of Unignorable Brands

Optimize intent-
driven BOFU

Elevated use of automation and conversational tools

Fast, agile,
results oriented


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in opportunities, SaaS
opportunities, Healthcare
in opportunities, SaaS
Email Marketing Methodology
cell phone - results
Do you believe our story? This is the framework we use to create it.

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